Telehealth for Elderly Geriatrics
The use of telehealth is gaining momentum across the healthcare industry. It offers doctors and patients a new, more affordable way to interact. Many chronic conditions require ongoing treatment and follow-up. Some people also have ongoing mental health issues and need follow-ups. For these reasons, telehealth has many potential benefits. While a physician cannot always be present during an office visit, they can be reached remotely. During the consultation, a doctor can see a patient’s health data and send it to the correct team.
In a survey of patients, Oak Street Health examined the current use of telehealth. Researchers asked patients if they had a video camera or internet access. Those with both were considered video-capable. The majority of patients who used telehealth services were older adults. For this reason, they are particularly useful for those who live alone or are not able to get to the clinic to see their provider. This research shows that telehealth is a valuable option for those who want to receive high-quality care.
In addition to telehealth, health software has many benefits. For example, it can improve follow-up rates for chronic conditions. For instance, a telehealth program for people with congestive heart failure reduced hospital readmissions by 73 percent over the course of a year. This is a significant achievement for the healthcare system and one that is only the beginning. There are other examples of telehealth that are beneficial to the health care system.
While telehealth is a valuable innovation, there are some medical professionals who caution against its widespread adoption. They claim that telehealth can exacerbate health inequalities in the U.S. and put disadvantaged populations at risk. Although it was initially created to reach incarcerated, low-income, and poor populations, it has become a useful tool to expand healthcare access, some medical experts worry that it will harm consumers in need of care.
Telehealth has several potential benefits. The use of technology can help healthcare providers reach a wide range of patients. The technology can also allow them to communicate with remote specialists. In fact, telehealth can even improve patient health care outcomes. Some researchers have found that telehealth can lower the cost of health services in low-income countries. By collaborating with health providers via video, a patient can also receive personalized healthcare through a telehealth system.
Telehealth for geriatrics is also an increasingly popular option for elderly patients. Digital healthcare services have the added benefit of reducing the need for in-person appointments, lowering the cost of healthcare, and preventing costly emergency room visits. In addition to reducing costs, telehealth also helps improve the quality of care for these elderly patients. If you’re concerned about this trend, consider a few facts about telehealth. Its benefits may surprise you!
Posted in Health