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Self-care tips for healthcare providers:

It can often be seen health care providers and workers dedicate so much of their energy and time in treating their patients.  A study by Case Western Reserve University proves that self-care for health care and social worker must never be neglected. We can’t provide proper healthcare for others when we can’t fulfill our needs. The study also unveils that engaging ingratitude is an immense way to start developing self-care. Appreciation can lead to positivity, and ability to connect with people more easily. It can also improve the sleeping habits.  A list of self-care tips for health care providers or workers is given below.

Follow a healthy lifestyle.

Try to eat healthy foods and avoid junk. Reduced alcohol intake is advised. Get adequate sleep every night and exercise frequently. Do not smoke or use any kind of addictive entity.

Start with a strategy

The information available today about self-care targets on techniques. Do yoga or meditate for 15-20 minutes every day.  Create possible strategies to address the problems and goals, and utilize these to research techniques that work for you. For example, if the problem is, the person wakes up and feels tired already in 15 minutes. The goal is to get more sleep to keep the energy up. The strategy that you follow should ensure that you get some quality sleep every night.

Connect with friends and family:

The friendship, love, and support from family and friends are great relievers of mental stress. If you experience work issues or excessive workload, connect with a supportive colleague to think through applicable strategy.

Schedule annual check-ups and health screenings:

Make sure to take care of the basics to ensure your health is in a good state during any calamity and to manage mental stress.

Join supervision/peer support group

All workplaces do not offer peer support group. Organize your own peer support group. It may be face to face meetings or through social networking. This can even be a group of three or five colleagues. If stress continues to affect your mood, behavior, or physical health it is advised to consult a counselor to help you with the strategies.


Exercising your empathy muscles will make you wiser and better at the ability to communicate with other people. Your prosperity and flexibility are the testimony to your knowledge, devotion to the profession and contribution to yourself. Posted in SelfCare Tips